It was a beautiful spring day at Gilliam McConnell airport in Carthage, NC to celebrate a hero.
This is his story:
Yes, I was there with my Flying Tiger tee shirt, bought at Oshkosh in 1991!
... and not alone:
The Chinese delegation from Hunan province:
2nd Lt. Robert Hoyle Upchurch:
Building an RV-12 LSA from a kit by VANs aircraft and learning to fly Light Sport Aircrafts = the full Wright Brothers experience!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Canopy fairing's fiberglass work
I just completed the following instruction pages:
Lacking any experience in fiberglass and resins work, I asked an expert for help. Roger Fowler, a member of EAA 1114 is an avid glider pilot but also a certificated repairman for gliders that are mostly composite these days. Roger helped me choosing the proper materials and tools and showed me how to work the resin and fabric together in the lay up. There were up to 10 plies in some areas that needed to be positioned in overlays and wet out with resin. We had two sessions for a total of 4 hours of lay out (the instructions say 7 hours total, the difference is due to Roger's skills and experience).
Now the epoxy is curing but the work is not over as lots of sanding, surface smoothing and filling still has to be done to have a finished canopy, good for the paint shop.
This is how it looks while curing:
Lacking any experience in fiberglass and resins work, I asked an expert for help. Roger Fowler, a member of EAA 1114 is an avid glider pilot but also a certificated repairman for gliders that are mostly composite these days. Roger helped me choosing the proper materials and tools and showed me how to work the resin and fabric together in the lay up. There were up to 10 plies in some areas that needed to be positioned in overlays and wet out with resin. We had two sessions for a total of 4 hours of lay out (the instructions say 7 hours total, the difference is due to Roger's skills and experience).
Now the epoxy is curing but the work is not over as lots of sanding, surface smoothing and filling still has to be done to have a finished canopy, good for the paint shop.
This is how it looks while curing: