Here are pictures of the progress of the hard work required by the bi-color scheme of the fuselage:
Prior to action, the masking dude is introducing the model to the artist painter Terry, aka Claude Monnet:
Fuselage ready for primer followed by white paint, Mr. Monnet is happy with the shape of his model:
Note the SB skin reinforcements are now white:
Here, in the absence of the masking dude who took refuge in the mountains, Terry starts the work on masking for the blue layer:
Masking for blue has been completed, very little of our model is showing:
The blue has been shot:
... et voilà:
Note that during my absence, Noel Fallwell helped for this phase of the painting and also took the pictures. Thank you Noel!
Reason for my absence: I was helping Kim Mitchell from Jefferson with his SB. I had earlier borrowed his SB parts that came earlier than mine. Now was time to return them from my own SB parts and give him a hand.