Saturday, September 3, 2011

More Wiring and a good surprise!

We spent a few days with friends at our cabin in West Jefferson last week. We have at about 5 miles the great KGEV/Jefferson airport and I went to visit and inquire about hangar availability. My thinking was that given the high cost and low availability of hangars in the Raleigh area, Jefferson might be a good option to finish the plane and test it. While explaining my situation to the airport manager, he told me, to my great surprise (and delight!) that there was a gentleman who had a flying RV-12 in a hangar at the airport. As he kindly gave me his name, I contacted Kim Michell the next day and we had the opportunity to meet right away at my cabin. The RV-12 is the second plane he has built. He built and owned a Falco for several years before building the RV-12 in the last 2 years. Before returning to Raleigh I visited his hangar and saw his nice yellow RV-12. We will have more opportunities to discuss our common interests during my upcoming trips to West Jefferson. I have never imagined I would find an RV-12 owner at Jefferson airport as, in Raleigh, the closest RV-12 flying is more than 1 hour drive away in Carthage.

Here are the pages I have been through during the last three weeks

 On Page 31-7, I could only do steps 1, 2, 5 and 8 because I know that the other steps will have to be modified for the Skyview as they are currently designed for the Dynon D100 glass cockpit. I am facing this issue now constantly as I am progressing on the wiring and I am afraid that soon I will have lots of loose end wiring all over. I need to beef-up the documenting on these incomplete steps, on the instructions as well as on the lose wires in limbo themselves.

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