Saturday, July 2, 2011

Section 29: FWD Upper Fuselage

This is the last fuselage section, after that I will start the finishing kit (which BTW has not yet been delivered, looks like VANS is late, may be because of the work they do on the Skyview).
 What's at stake here is what you have in front of you when you are sitting in the plane, looking forward; it includes the instrument panel without the instruments which will come with the avionics kit.
 Page 29-02
Back into the hinge cutting business. Got to be careful as VANs does provide just enough piano hinges, you cannot afford to waste any. I actually anticipated on future needs long ago and reserved the lengths needed by marking the parts with their destination.
Step 2: surprise! When fitting F1201-J on F1201-H, I find that if I align the edges as indicated on the drawing, F1201-J cannot cover the last hole. Called VANs who recognized that they were 1/2" short. When I suggested that sliding the hinge 1/4" allowed to cover the last hole, they told me that they liked my solution and most importantly that I would be able to fit the cowling hinge to match my change.
The rest of page 02 is lots of part deburring, countersinking, nutplates riveting: a long tedious process but what do you know, it's what plane building is about... and I find it more fun than plumbing anyway!

 Page 29-03
Sealing the firewall with tank sealant: nasty stuff, messy job but someone's got to do it.
More parts cutting, deburring...
Page 29-4: Many parts involved, a mix of dimpling and countersinking, got to be carefull. I am progressing very slowly, checking and rechecking as any mistake I have made I will have under my eyes during flight. The instructions are not very helpful like step 5: what are the "fastener locations that will get flush screws"? The answer is probably in the finishing kit that I have not received yet.

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