Saturday, March 26, 2011

A mystery visitor

This is a quiz for EAA 1114 chapter's folks: can you identify this mystery visitor who invested one rivet (just labor, not material!) in my plane?


  1. Hey JP - It's good to see that Kent is one rivet closer to building his own RV-12! :) Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting a shop down here in Australia where an RV-12 is being built. Although the builder has never seen an RV-12 in person, he's trusting that it will fly "Like an RV" and happily riveting along.
    Keep up the good work (and the reports).

    Ken P

  2. Good to hear from you Ken! An additional benefit is that given Kent's degree in aerodynamics I expect his rivet to have less drag that the other 11999 ones...
